The Conversion of a Crocheter to a Knitter [A Saga: Part 2]

Green yarn being knitted with wooden knitting needles

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Somehow last night I ended on a high, having successfully knit into 69 stitches of the 70 I’d cast on… but I walked away with some pretty serious finger pain which I’m trying to decide if it’s coming from my Ehlers-Danlos, or my death grip on the needles… am I a knitter yet?!

Who knew that knitting could be so tricky?!

Starting the Simple Shrug pattern meant not only did I have to get over the fiddly hurdle of casting on 70 stitches, but I’d have to alternate knit and purl rows for what felt like foreeeeevvvveeeerrrrr


I’ve become a whizz at knit stitch, and apparently my tension is tight. But purl… oh man! PURL STITCH!

I’ve finally learnt where my bonus wrap was coming from when purling and have managed to alleviate that…but now I’ve got the added wonder of having tight knit tension and loose purl tension.

Give me a break, oh Yarn Gods!

The Knit Fit Dress by Paige Parkin of The Knit Diaries


I joined the Knit and Natter today at the Knitting Corner feeling less like an imposter as I’d actually brought knitting (rather than crochet), and I was fairly impressed that I’d only dropped one stitch!

At least I can charade as a knitter!

There was a lady in attendance who legitimately must have been a witch. She was casting spells with her needles and the stitches were just forming before my eyes. Actually mesmerising! She said that it’s even faster when she’s not on circular needles and she can tuck them under her armpits- who knew the whole body could get involved like that?!

It really annoyed me actually, because she wasn’t even looking at what she was doing.

Meanwhile I’m sitting there squinting at every movement I’m making to double-check that I’m not wrapping backwards when it should be forwards- and vice-versa.

Because yes, as a Crocheter, I am ‘wrapping’ the yarn rather than, what I can only call, ‘flicking’ it into where it should be… great!

I think my Knit Fit dress is going to take a little longer than I’d dreamed, as I’m not a miracle worker with the knitting needles. Crochet is definitely faster and at least I can unpick the last stitch if I make a mistake! This is a nightmare in comparison…

Grannies make it look too easy!

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